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We are always looking for more volunteers to help everything run smooth. If you want to get involved then contact one of us or show up at the race with a willing heart. We appreciate all of our current volunteers for all of your service!

Want to Get Involved? Here is how!

Join the Club

We, as a club, regularly meet to get ready for the race. We meet for the first time of the year in May to start getting things planned. Then we continually meet about once a month until July when we start to meet every Tuesday. Join us or follow our Facebook page to know more.

Join the Race

The Neches River Race has a long standing tradition of bringing together a color mix of diverse paddlers from some of the world's best to the occasional canoeist just out for a day of fun!

Join the Forum

Join the forum on to get updates and talk to other paddlers for tips and hints that might be able to help.

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