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Neches Wilderness Race Rules



  1. NO alcoholic beverages will be allowed at the launch site or on the course.

  2. NO participant will be allowed on the launch sit or course who appears to be under the influence of alcohol.

  3. NO firearms or other weapons will be allowed at the launch site or on the course

  4. NO more than one (1) paddler in solo division or NO more than two (2) paddlers in any other division, in any participating boat.

  5. IF, during the race, a canoe has not passed the last checkpoint by 3:00 pm, they will be removed from the race.

  6. ONLY race participants and drag boats will be allowed to launch or traffic the course.

  7. NO aid will be given to or accepted by participants unless “emergency” help is requested.

  8. Deliberate blocking or obstruction of the course WILL NOT be tolerated.

  9. This is not a “team” activity (two or more canoes operating as a group). “Team” maneuvering to gain advantage of the course, disable or mislead another participant or block traffic will result in disqualification of all those involved. Such incidents should be reported as soon as possible.

  10. NO open fires will be allowed along the course without property owner’s written permission.

  11. Portages are authorized along the river banks as long as there is no possible path on the river.

  12. NO private property along the course will be trespassed upon. Landings will be marked.

  13. Other than the last one hundred (100) yards, a slower canoe WILL yield the right of way to a faster canoe upon reasonable oral request. This will be done in a reasonable manner for safety.

  14. A signed general liability waiver will accompany each application, pertaining to his/her participation in this event. If participant is under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian’s signature is required.

  15. ALL participants are required to have a US Coast Guard approved vest type life jacket in the boat for the number of people in the boat. Any participant ages 14 and under MUST WEAR their life jacket at all times.

  16. Any youth under the age of 12 must be partnered with an adult in a tandem boat. Any youth between the ages of 12-17 can be solo, have another racer of the same age group or an adult. No youth under the age of 12 shall be partnered with a youth between the ages of 12-17

  17. ALL boats and containers are subject to inspection. The canoe inspectors will have the right to look in or at any container brought to the launch site, and have the right to restrict and/or remove any article not deemed necessary or approved. Any participant who refuses to comply with inspection will be disqualified.

  18. ALL disqualified participants will forfeit any entry fees and be escorted off the course.

  19. Any Canoe class is required to be paddled with a single blade paddle. No kayak paddles.

  20. Mandatory Check-In time for all racers is 7:45am. No Exceptions. Pre-Race meeting starts at 7:50am so we can promptly begin at 8:00am.

**In the event of inclement weather, the race may be postponed or canceled until a later dated determined by race officials or canceled. No refunds will be given.

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